Fund Overview

  • Ticker:
  • Fund Category:
    U.S. Small/Mid Cap Equity
  • Fund Manager:
    FT Portfolios Canada Co.
  • Portfolio Advisor:
    First Trust Advisors L.P.
  • CUSIP:
  • ISIN:
  • SEDOL:
  • Currency:
  • Fiscal Year-End:
  • Exchange:
    CBOE Canada Inc.
  • Inception:
  • Inception Price:
  • Inception NAV:
  • Eligibility:

Fees and Expenses

  • Management Fee: 0.15%
The First Trust ETF's management fee will also bear the management fee of the underlying fund (i.e. FT Vest SMID Rising Dividend Achievers Target Income ETF).
Please refer to the prospectus for detailed explanation of the fund's fees and expenses.

Distribution Information (as at 2025-02-14)

  • Dividend Frequency:
  • Dividend Per Share Amount:2
  • Distribution Rate:3

Fund Characteristics (as at 2025-01-31)4

  • Maximum Market Cap.:
  • Median Market Cap.:
  • Minimum Market Cap.:
  • Price/Earnings:
  • Price/Book:
  • Price/Cash Flow:
  • Price/Sales:

Portfolio Options Information (as at 2025-01-31)

  • Average Monthly Option Overwrite %:
  • Average Monthly Upside Participation %:
  • Average ATM Short Call Maturity:
    7 Days
Average Monthly Option Overwrite % is the prior calendar month average percentage of the net asset value used for writing of call options against a long position at each monthly call selling date. Average Monthly Upside Participation % is the prior calendar month average percentage of participation in the price returns of the underlying instrument at each monthly call selling date. Average ATM (At the Money) Short Call Maturity reflects the average number of days until expiration of the call options written over the prior calendar month.

Investment Objective

First Trust Vest SMID Rising Dividend Achievers Target Income ETF seeks to provide the unitholders with current income with a secondary objective of providing capital appreciation by investing primarily in a portfolio of equity securities included in the Nasdaq US Small Mid Cap Rising Dividend Achievers™ Index as well as listed options on the Russell 2000® Index or exchange-traded funds that track the Russell 2000® Index.

Current Data (as at 2025-02-14) Currency: CAD

NAV1% Change$ Change
Daily Volume52-Week High/LowAVG 30-Day Volume
1,563$22.26 / $19.9416,165
Total Net AssetsOutstanding UnitsNumber of Holdings

Top Holding (as at 2025-02-14)5

Holding % of Net Assets
FT Vest SMID Rising Dividend Achievers Target Income ETF 99.80%

Portfolio Composition (as at 2025-02-14)5

Industry % of Net Assets
Financials 32.14%
Industrials 23.85%
Consumer Discretionary 20.54%
Energy 9.77%
Basic Materials 8.38%
Technology 4.03%
Consumer Staples 0.94%
Cash & Equivalents 0.53%

Country Breakdown (as at 2025-02-14)5

Country % of Net Assets
United States 93.07%
Bermuda 3.35%
Other 2.05%
Switzerland 1.04%

Risk Rating

This rating is based on how much the ETF’s returns have changed from year to year. It doesn’t tell you how volatile the ETF will be in the future. The rating can change over time. An ETF with a low risk rating can still lose money.

For more information about the risk rating and specific risks that can affect the ETF’s returns, see the Risk section of the ETF’s prospectus.


1 The NAV represents the fund's net assets (assets less liabilities) divided by the fund's outstanding shares.
2 Most recent distribution paid or declared to today's date. Subject to change in the future. There is no guarantee that the fund will declare dividends.
3 Distribution rate is calculated by dividing the most recent annualized distribution paid or declared by the Net Asset Value. Distribution rates may vary. The distributed amount may include return of capital (ROC) from time to time.
4 All market capitalization numbers are in CAD$ Millions.
5 Percentage of net assets may not equal 100%

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Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Exchange-Traded Fund investments. Please carefully read the prospectus of the fund before investing. Exchange-Traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.