Target Outcome Funds®

Name Symbol Inception As At 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since
First Trust Vest Fund of Buffer ETFs (Canada) ETF BUFR 2023-05-24 2025-01-31 1.51% 3.49% 5.70% 1.51% 14.02% N/A N/A N/A 16.11%
First Trust Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - August (Hedged Units) AUGB.F 2019-08-29 2025-01-31 1.46% 3.32% 6.16% 1.46% 14.39% 6.99% 7.95% N/A 8.53%
First Trust Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - February (Hedged Units) FEBB.F 2020-02-24 2025-01-31 1.39% 3.85% 6.26% 1.39% 15.77% 8.90% N/A N/A 10.26%
First Trust Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - May (Hedged Units) MAYB.F 2020-05-20 2025-01-31 1.61% 3.96% 6.18% 1.61% 14.27% 7.76% N/A N/A 8.93%
First Trust Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - November (Hedged Units) NOVB.F 2020-02-03 2025-01-31 1.61% 2.63% 4.71% 1.61% 12.48% 7.85% N/A N/A 8.04%

Actively Managed Funds

Name Symbol Inception As At 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since
First Trust Canadian Capital Strength ETF FST 2001-11-29 2025-01-31 3.54% 7.42% 10.79% 3.54% 28.58% 13.36% 12.84% 9.17% 8.06%
First Trust International Capital Strength ETF FINT 2018-05-16 2025-01-31 6.52% 8.79% 5.52% 6.52% 12.43% 4.73% 6.91% N/A 6.13%
First Trust JFL Fixed Income Core Plus ETF FJFB 2021-03-18 2025-01-31 1.17% 2.17% 3.55% 1.17% 7.23% 1.02% N/A N/A 0.85%
First Trust JFL Global Equity ETF FJFG 2021-03-18 2025-01-31 5.46% 9.39% 12.33% 5.46% 24.03% 10.80% N/A N/A 11.21%
First Trust Senior Loan ETF (CAD-Hedged) FSL 2013-08-27 2025-01-31 0.50% 2.14% 3.64% 0.50% 7.45% 4.96% 3.59% 3.36% 3.38%

Income Funds

Name Symbol Inception As At 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since
First Trust Global Risk Managed Income Index ETF ETP 2014-07-22 2025-01-31 1.16% 2.13% 4.75% 1.16% 11.60% 1.69% 1.85% 2.63% 2.63%
First Trust Morningstar Dividend Leaders ETF (CAD-Hedged) FDL 2016-09-28 2025-01-31 3.06% -0.65% 3.28% 3.06% 17.92% 7.03% 10.47% N/A 9.10%
First Trust Value Line® Dividend Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) FUD 2013-05-14 2025-01-31 2.05% -0.19% 2.95% 2.05% 11.48% 2.85% 5.26% 6.41% 7.45%

Sector & Industry Funds

Name Symbol Inception As At 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since
First Trust Cloud Computing ETF SKYY 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 8.91% 27.15% 41.66% 8.91% 54.34% 16.43% 4.92% 5.79% 6.41%
First Trust Dow Jones Internet ETF FDN 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 9.30% 24.99% 39.23% 9.30% 48.28% 14.66% 5.99% 5.19% 5.84%
FDN.F 2017-12-07 2025-01-31 7.96% 19.38% 31.42% 7.96% 35.87% 8.13% 2.84% N/A 1.72%
First Trust Indxx Innovative Transaction and Process ETF BLCK 2018-03-22 2025-01-31 6.23% 11.32% 17.42% 6.23% 32.59% 11.10% 12.96% N/A 11.36%
First Trust Indxx NextG ETF NXTG 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 2.41% 7.01% 9.15% 2.41% 25.32% 9.85% 9.17% -2.92% -4.45%
First Trust Nasdaq Cybersecurity ETF CIBR 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 7.70% 17.41% 27.46% 7.70% 31.27% 17.52% 16.60% 11.23% 11.65%
First Trust NASDAQ® Clean Edge® Green Energy ETF QCLN 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 -0.10% 5.64% -3.42% -0.10% 5.10% -12.11% -11.88% -1.43% -1.27%
First Trust NYSE Arca Biotechnology ETF FBT 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 9.88% 11.43% 14.15% 9.88% 31.69% 11.60% 9.72% 7.88% 7.43%

AlphaDEX™ U.S. Sector Funds

Name Symbol Inception As At 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since
First Trust AlphaDEX™ U.S. Health Care Sector Index ETF FHH 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 7.54% 8.12% 7.01% 7.54% 17.16% 4.62% 7.96% 7.36% 7.90%
FHH.F 2017-12-07 2025-01-31 6.22% 3.18% 0.91% 6.22% 7.19% -1.03% 4.88% N/A 5.69%
First Trust AlphaDEX™ U.S. Industrials Sector Index ETF FHG 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 5.94% 8.56% 13.11% 5.94% 31.95% 16.30% 14.98% 12.36% 12.02%
FHG.F 2017-12-07 2025-01-31 4.63% 3.59% 6.63% 4.63% 20.72% 10.02% 11.33% N/A 9.15%
First Trust AlphaDEX™ U.S. Technology Sector Index ETF FHQ 2014-10-29 2025-01-31 6.92% 17.58% 22.32% 6.92% 30.01% 15.06% 18.45% 18.29% 18.41%
FHQ.F 2017-12-07 2025-01-31 5.59% 12.26% 15.40% 5.59% 18.97% 8.58% 14.80% N/A 15.51%



Performance is based on changes on the NAV.

Canadian Securities law does not allow for the display of performance data less than one year.

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return, over one year, are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

You should consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. This and other important information about the funds and the securities being offered is contained within the prospectus. Contact FT Portfolios Canada Co. at 1-877-622-5552 or download one from this site. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing.

First Trust Advisors L.P. is the adviser to the funds. First Trust Advisors L.P. is an affiliate of FT Portfolios Canada Co., the funds' distributor.

"AlphaDEX™" is a registered trademark of First Trust Portfolios L.P. in the United States and Canada.
First Trust Portfolios L.P. has obtained a patent for the AlphaDEX™ stock selection methodology from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The Target Outcome registered trademarks are registered trademarks of Vest Financial LLC.