Currency: CAD

Date Net Asset Value1 Volume2 Net Assets1
2024-07-26 $22.00 0 $7,343,711
2024-07-25 $21.77 0 $7,268,336
2024-07-24 $21.82 0 $7,285,861
2024-07-23 $22.53 0 $7,523,963
2024-07-22 $22.42 0 $7,489,243
2024-07-19 $22.14 205 $7,397,426
2024-07-18 $22.11 0 $7,387,938
2024-07-17 $22.32 0 $7,459,265
2024-07-16 $22.91 0 $7,656,119
2024-07-15 $22.80 0 $7,618,301
2024-07-12 $22.63 0 $7,566,418
2024-07-11 $22.60 119 $7,400,542
2024-07-10 $22.85 189 $7,483,884
2024-07-09 $22.95 189 $7,515,157
2024-07-08 $23.14 189 $7,576,783
2024-07-05 $23.28 370 $7,624,674
2024-07-04 $22.89 207 $7,497,782
2024-07-03 $22.93 207 $7,508,977
2024-07-02 $23.00 482 $7,529,166


1 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close.
2 Volume is as of the market close on the applicable date.

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Exchange-Traded Fund investments. Please carefully read the prospectus of the fund before investing. Exchange-Traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.